Hoops Bracket Challenge!
I'll probably jinx myself blogging about this, but so be it.
Every year I contribute ten dollars to my nephew Vic's Superbowl board or his NCAA men's basketball challenge. Every year I lose. I've never been good at games of chance.
But this year I think I have a good chance going into this weekend's men's final. My NCAA bracket that I created didn't look too good at first but as the field of 64 teams got whittled down to 4, I ended up picking three of the Final Four teams.
That puts me in a tie for first place among 17 contestants. All I need is for Ohio State to beat Kansas on Saturday and the way I figure it, I should collect between one and two hundred dollars. It's hard for me to cheer on Michigan's arch-nemesis the Buckeyes, but if there's money involved, I'll do it.
I guess it helped that many of my nephew's friends and fellow contestants are fans of Michigan State, who fell earlier than expected. Some had bet on the Spartans to go all the way. I'm way ahead of them.
Ironically, I'm participating in another NCAA men's tourney bracket challenge mostly with immediate family and my Final Four there only gets me fifth place out of ten. One of the teams ahead of me is my dad, who reminded me of that when I called home this past weekend.
"Do you know what place I'm in?" my dad asked.
"I'm not sure. I just know I'm in fifth place but I don't--" I responded before my father interrupted.
"Third!" he said.
Bragging rights are important in these family competitions. I teased my nephew that he put his best bracket together for our ten-team family challenge even though there was no money involved. He's in first place in the family competition but his bracket with different winners picked is way out of the money in his own bracket challenge.
"Why did you put your best effort here (in the family competition), instead of your own money league? You'd probably be leading there with a better than decent shot at winning it all, " I pondered on the message board.
My nephew Vic responded, "We all know what league is most important. The money is not even close to having braggin' rights in the family."
Gee, if money is that unimportant to him, if I win I'll ask him to pitch in to round up the prize to the next hundred dollars.