Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Seasonal Realities

      My five youngest grandkids are always asking me this time of year to check Santa's nice and naughty list which you can find on this website called Christmas Affairs. Pretty much every name you can think of is on this list, along with a designation of either naughty or nice.

     When I checked the list for them at a recent visit to their house, the results of my searches were less than positive. Only Charlie, the middle child at four years old, made the nice list. That did not set well with his big brother Davis.

     “That's scammy,” he complained. “It's a scam. It's not real.” Poor Davis was quite upset, complaining that he had been nice all year. What could I do? Tell him not only that the list is a scam but Santa Claus isn't real either?

     Speaking of what's real and not real with winter holidays approaching, I had some difficulty coaxing Charlie to go to bed one night while we were babysitting him. I told them I saw something wonderful in the distance outside their bedroom window.

     That worked and Charlie ascended the stairs to his bedroom. Outside in the distance, there were three lighted snowman decorations in an otherwise empty backyard. He saw them with their lights shimmering and said, “I've seen them. They're not real.”

     So what would be considered a real snowman then? One actually made out of snow? Or maybe Frosty, or Olaf? I never thought to ask.

     Earlier that day I took Charlie and his three-year-old brother Lewis to Rentschler Farms where Santa Claus was having a meet and greet. Lewis was very excited and when we arrived at the farm he began calling out, “Where's Santa Claus? I want to see Santa Claus.” Very loudly too.

     Then we entered a barn and there Santa was, sitting on a sleigh. Mrs. Claus was there too and called Charlie and Lewis over for a chat. Charlie went but not Lewis who cowered behind me when he realized that this Santa was real. “I scared,” he told me. What was he expecting when he was calling out for Santa Claus just a minute before?

     Back to Santa's naughty and nice list, I told Charlie that I should check my own name but Charlie didn't feel that was necessary. “You're the best Grandpa. You're always good.” he explained.

     Knowing that Charlie goes to a Catholic school, I asked him if I was as good as Jesus.

     “No, you're not that good,” he said. Was I better than the devil then? Charlie's eyes lit up as he said, “You're a lot better than the devil.” Good to know.

     By the way, that naughty and nice list on-line has been updated this week. Now, not only is Charlie on the nice list, but his two younger brothers and his older sister as well. In fact, the only kid in the family on the naughty list now . . . is Davis.

     I guess I must have a little devil in me since I feel I have to give Davis the bad news.


Blogger Lee said...

I love it!!!!! Thanks for the smiles, Dave. This is a wonderful post.

My best wishes to you, you devil, and to all your loved ones for a very Merry, safe Christmas...and may 2025 treat you all most kindly in every way possible. :)

9:11 PM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

LEE--Thanks so much for the generous wishes. Just got back from a trip down south, along with a cruise. Tried snorkeling over a reef for the first time. Maybe some day I'll make it to the Great Barrier reef there.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

That sounds wonderful, Dave. Even though I've lived on a couple of island up around the Great Barrier Reef, I've never done any snorkeling. Never have I gone on a cruise, either. I've done a lot of swimming, though, having also spent a lot of time on the Sunshine Coast. I learned to swim when I was a very young child.

You'll have some good tales to tell your grand-kiddies. :)

I bet you really enjoyed your trip

11:13 AM  
Blogger Big Dave said...

LEE--It was a fun trip though we missed cruising with our people on Holland America too. For one, the coffee was better on Holland America and with us, that's a big thing.

6:33 AM  
Blogger Big Dave said...

It was fun but we did miss being with our own people aboard Holland America. They have better coffee and good coffee is always a must for us.

3:02 PM  

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