Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bad Weather

That's my backyard during a series of particularly wicked storms that rolled through lower Michigan last week. And that's hail mixed in there with the rain.

We were under a tornado warning at the time but instead of taking refuge in the basement, I went from window to window, camera in hand, looking for funnel clouds to photograph. What I won't do for my blog.

I did figure that if trees started swaying and winds started roaring, then I would beat a hasty retreat downstairs. But it never happened, although less than 20 miles away in the town of Dexter an F3 tornado tore a half-mile wide path of destruction, starting with a newer subdivision at the edge of town.

Whoa, that's as close as I've ever been to a major tornado. There were no deaths nor major injuries reported, partly because every radio and TV station in the area saturated the airwaves with reports tracking the storms and funnel clouds. It's amazing how detailed weather radar has become in this day and age.

Our power did go out eventually and we were blacked out for five hours. That's not the time to discover that the batteries in your flashlight are dead. But that's what happened. The only light working was Wendy's reading light, the kind that attaches to your book. We used that to track down fresh batteries so we could revive at least one flashlight.

Thankfully, by that time the storms had passed and the all clear message had been given.

Now today, it's 80 degrees. Mind you, it's not spring yet, is it? That comes tomorrow. So this is 80 degrees and it's still officially winter. Unbelievable. We' had a remarkably warm winter. My brother, who lives 100 miles north of us in Bay City, said he did not use his snowblower once this winter.

Why the weird weather? Is it that Mayan calendar prediction that the end is near? Or is like this old science fiction movie I watched this week--The Day the Earth Caught Fire, where our planet was hurtling towards the sun?

I just hope we don't get cheated out of spring . . . again.


Blogger CAROLDEE said...

I have a feeling that this is a fluke and some cold weather will still hit us and make lots of trouble for the farmers etc. I know this heat is soo weird for March.Glad you were saved all the damage.. was watching that radar and it just came too darn close to you all.Get you some outdoor lights that work on solar power..when the power goes off you pick them up off the yard or path and use them indoors they work WONDERFUL!! I used them twice last year! Stay cool and safe!

8:40 PM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

CAROLDEE--It's supposed to be in the 60s by Friday. That's a little more seasonable but my wife was telling me the usual high for this time of year is 49 degrees.

They have a lot of outdoor solar lights in our neighborhood. We used to have four, but we're down to one that works now.

9:09 AM  
Blogger Carine-what's cooking? said...

weird weather this year, no? we had a horrible storm at the end of last week! hailed and everything. This was actually the 2nd hailstorm we had here in SoCal! and the wind that went with it was rattling even the new windows around here.

sunny and mid-60's right now, which is atypical for us and then, we're being told to expect more rain on Sunday!

10:14 AM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

CARINE--Hail out in California? You're right, I didn't know they got that out there. Next thing you know we'll be having earthquakes here.

6:12 PM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Dave ~~ That hail looks pretty darn big and that tornado was too darn close.
Be safe if it happens again and stay in the basement.But I hope the tornadoes have finished for this season.
The one we had was at the top of Australia and it blew down lots of trees and the roofs off houses, but no
deaths, I feel sorry for the people of Townsville.
Also for the folks in the U.S, Glad you enjoyed the jokes esp the Darwin Awards.
Not too sure about Darwin - he reckoned we came from monkeys didn't he?
Take care, Cheers, Merle.

12:11 AM  
Blogger Peter said...

Hi Dave, our weater has been as unusual, and bad, as yours of late Global Warming????

5:07 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Dike said...

Another sign that the apocalypse is nigh - SPARTANS fall in the Sweet Sixteen!

9:45 PM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

MERLE--I don't know if we came from monkeys but I do like bananas, my favorite fruit.

PETER--I just hope it's not a hot summer though it's trending that way. Heat just saps my energy.

YOGA IN MIRRORMONT--I had the Spartans going to the final four, but I got the other three teams right in my bracket, so I'm okay there.

Hea, my grandson Grant is doing yoga! His dad, my son Greg, was demonstrating his exercise routine which includes some yoga style stretching as Grant watched from his spot on the floor. When Greg raised both his arms high in the air, Grant immediately did the same. The "So Big" pose. That one he knew.

4:00 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Dike said...

The "So Big" pose - I am going to have to quote Grant on that one!

Thanks for not adding salt to my MSU loss wounds. I have a strange urge to burn a couch...

7:36 PM  
Blogger Nankin said...

I remember spending a couple of nights in the basement when we lived in Illinois. I wish they built houses here in Texas with them. We seem to have more than our share of thunder storms.

9:48 PM  

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