Sunday, September 02, 2012

One Thing After Another

I'll start my first new blog in a while complaining about those people who leave their discarded refuse behind, like this hat I found hanging on a fence at a local beach at Hubbard Lake up north. But I have to admit, it did look good going up in the big bonfire we enjoyed later in the evening.

Anyhoo, a week from tomorrow and the wife and I will be flying to England on our long-planned trip. For the past couple weeks I've been booking tours, reserving rooms and buying railpasses. It's stressful, as when an operator in London asked how to dial the United States from England. Like I'm supposed to know that.

I guess they just don't have many people calling from Michigan to Great Britain to book an overnight excursion from London to Paris.

And I did break down and download Google Chrome not because I can now post pictures here, though--ok--that was a reason. The main reason is that Google Chrome allowed me to browse the internet much more quickly. I couldn't have Internet Explorer crash or freeze in the middle of our family's fantasy football draft.

Still, my computer is not well. I have been told by my computer multiple times (every time I sign in) that I'm not using a "genuine" copy of Windows. Don't know why that is. I try to fix it and they want me to buy another Windows copy. What happened to the one that came with the computer?

And THEN, last week I got a call from this guy who said he was from Windows. Oh, oh. He said he knew I had been having problem with my computer. Busted, I was thinking to myself. Isn't there ANY privacy on your OWN computer anymore?

He claimed my computer had been running slow because of spyware and viruses. He
didn't claim I had a bad copy of Windows. Wrong problem, sir. My computer actually has been running better on my counterfeit, or whatever, copy of Windows. And I clean my computer frequently of malware, spyware and whatever else could be ailing it.

When he insisted I go in front of my computer and press a button which would allow him remote control access of my laptop, I knew it was a scam and hung up. You just can't be too careful in today's world.

Finally, can't close without posting an updated picture of my grandson. He looks rather pitiful here, not because his favorite team got beaten badly by those thugs from Alabama, but because he does not like walking on sand.


Blogger Mrs. Dike said...

Oh, no! You didn't burn that beautiful hat! You should consider burning couches instead...

Old SPARTAN football coaches never die;
They just poke poor skunk bears in the eye.

12:37 PM  
Blogger Lynilu said...

Glad you back, even if it means posting every 6 weeks! LOL!

That picture of your grandson is awfully cute, even if he is distressed. How old is he now?

I envy your trip to England. Actually, I envy a trip anywhere! It has been way too long since I've had a really good vacation trip. Enjoy it for me, too, OK?

3:38 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

Welcome back,'s nice to see you again in blogger-sphere! :)

Love your post. I hate litterers, too! I can never and will never understand their mentality (if they have one to begin with)!

What a little cutie your grandson is...every expression they have is worth recording, I reckon! :)

I bet you and your wife are looking forward to your trip. No excuses just have to blog and let us all know where you are and how you're enjoying it..once you hit the "road"! Take good care.

8:33 PM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

YOGA IN MIRRORMONT--Probably one thing that separates Wolverines from Spartans is that we Wolverines don't believe in torching anything valuable, you lichieres pautonnier (practicing my French for Paris).

LYNILU--Grant is 19-months. I've been looking forward to a trip across the pond for quite some time now. I'll take a vacation anywhere though. Make that anywhere it's cooler than it is here. So tired of the heat.

LEE--I'm not taking my laptop with me; that would be one more thing to worry about and I'm a worrier when it comes to traveling, especially overseas. But I do hope to find some internet cafes over there.

12:39 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

Dave, I've replied to your comment in my own blog, but I've copied it here below in case you don't go back in to read it. When gold was found in Gympie in 1867 that discovery actually saved the State of Queensland...I think it had about a shilling or less left in the Treasury at that stage!

Quote: "Hi do have good eyesight! :) wasn't a "swipe at America"...what was written was - quote: "American Orator, 'I am for peace' (groans and hisses from the audience)'I am for peace at any price' (renewed groans etc.) 'I am for peace at the price of war' (prolonged cheering)."

I'm not sure what it all means...but I think that the "orator" was visiting Gympie at the time....and what he said must have had some particular meaning/reference at the time.

Gold was discovered in Gympie in the mid-1880s, Dave and many people flocked to the new goldfields in search of riches and better lives. The Scottish Mine where my great-grandfather was killed was the largest goldmine in the Southern Hemisphere at that time." End Quote

Now stop worrying...relax and enjoy your trip, young man! :)

4:44 PM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Dave ~~Soon you will be able to count the hours until your vacation. only a very few days before you leave what should be a great trip. Worth all that planning and stress about bookings etc.
Well I cooked the small leg of lamb and made John 2 meals,and myself 4 smaller ones, so now some time off -
a vacation at home.
That Australian heiress you mentioned is Gina Rhineheart and is the richest woman in the world, thanks to her father and his iron ore mines, She is not popular here as she imported more than over 1000
African workers for wages of $2.00 a day(reportedly)
because Australians are too
lazy etc or more likely would want a decent wage. Only one of her adult children are friends with her. The others want bigger money to keep them not having to work for a living.
Well my friend, time to close - at least Gina is not one of your problems.
Try to relax between here and Sunday. Good luck and good trip. Cheers, Merle.

9:20 AM  
Blogger Kacey said...

Oh, Dave, I am so happy to see you alive and well online! I just mae a comment on facebook to Lisa (Used to write A Comforter is Not a Bedspread)and it reminded me of how many wonderful bloggers have given up the craft. Naturally, I had to come look to see if you have anything new.... and you do! I enjoyed these two new posts and wish you and Wendy a wonderful time in England. My youngest daughter and husband are dorm parents at the Black Forest Academy (for missionary kids) in Germany. Perhaps, next summer I will see the other side of the pond and finally get to see England, too.

5:55 PM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

LEE--Thanks for the history update. Obviously I was being too defensive. I didn't know that they found gold over there either.

MERLE--I'd take a vacation home here too if you'd cook a meal or two for me. I figured you knew more about that Australian heiress than I.

KACEY--Thanks for visiting again. Oh, I hope you too can get over to England. I already have a pocketful of British coins courtesy of my son who saved them from his last trip.

4:36 PM  
Blogger Carine-what's cooking? said...

great to see a new post Dave! I've been able to post, but still have no idea on how to do the picture thing.
have no idea what exactly happened that made my entire "favorite blog" line-up disappear.
My computer was running slow a few weeks ago-hubz tried to clean it up-claimed it was my "researching" that caused probably some spyware situation. He too was shuffled "off to buffalo" and hung up.

enjoy Europe@

10:52 AM  
Blogger CAROLDEE said...

Yeeha a new Chrome user.. I do find it faster and easier than IE and hardly EVER use it anymore. My vista is old and it works way better with Chrome. Glad Glad to see you post here and update us on the goings on. Seems like you will be having a great time overseas..hopefully with some people around who are much more educated in traveling than the one on the phone was. Can't believe you are leaving in FOOTBALL season..what the what??? Glad all that was left at the site you were at was a hat..could have been a lot lot worse..ughhh. Hope you have a great safe trip and we see and hear all about it. MY MY how your grandson is gtowing up. Amazing how time flies. Take care :-)

9:52 AM  
Blogger Lee said...

No worries, Dave...all's good! :)

4:15 PM  

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