Saturday, July 21, 2012

Still Suspending But

Time really does fly. It’s hard to believe it’s been almost three months since I’ve written here last. I decided to add a blog just to update those interested, particularly my good blogging buddy Merle who dutifully posts a comment on my old blog when I visit her’s.

Not that I’m returning to regular blogging. I’m still grumpy over Google’s blogspot update and the internet in general. Facebook substituted their own e-mail address for my usual one on their site, Yahoo wants to let all my Facebook friends know what I read (who cares, really) and my favorite pages take eons to loan because of all social networking links and ads that websites INSIST I need to have in front of me at all times.

Doesn’t help that my computer is still balky as ever, despite my trying to recover it to where it was almost a year ago. Almost tempted to buy a new one . . . almost.

Anyway, my free time lately has been devoted to planning a trip to Europe come September. The flight tickets have been purchased for me and Wendy so there’s no backing out. I’m planning the itinerary which I hope will include a trip to Paris as well as one to Scotland. Towards this goal, I’ve already made one other important purchase besides plane tickets—anxiety pills.

Otherwise, life is much the same as the last time I blogged, though there were a few newsworthy events. We camped in June near Lake Michigan as we do annually, and stopped at our favorite pizza place for dinner like we almost always do too. Later on the night we dined there the pizza shop burned to the ground. That was sad to hear the next morning.

My found-on-the-ground fund, which I’ve dedicated to paying for future travels, received a boost when I picked up a $100 bill not too long ago. That should pay for tea and crumpets there in ‘Old Blighty’.

The heat has been hellacious around here lately. It’s like a sauna everytime you go outside. Today is cooler though. Despite the humidity, we’ve had little rain, but I’ve been watering my patio garden religiously. Tomatoes are ripening on the vine and I’m anticipating they’ll be ready for BLTs next week.

Finally, I can’t close without a grandson story. Grant’s a frequent visitor here and is always begging me to read him a story. One time I pulled out a book of nursery rhymes which included Old McDonald. The little guy is familiar with that song. So I sang it to him . . .

“Old McDonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-oh. And on that farm he had a duck, ee-i-ee-i-oh. With a duck duck here and a duck duck there.”
“Quack,” Grant interrupted.

You know you’re losing it when you’re getting corrected by your 18-month-old grandkid.


Blogger Lee said...

Hahahaha! You'd better hone up on your nursery rhymes, Dave before you get humiliated any further!!!

Your planned trip sounds like it's going to be very interesting and loads of fun.

Good to see you! Take care.

8:14 PM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

Thanks, Lee. Guess I'll have to start watching the "Baby Channel" on my cable TV to re-educate myself on some of these things.

11:41 AM  
Blogger CAROLDEE said...

YAY glad to read an update here from you. Glad you are surviving this horrid summer heat. Travel ehhh..well anyone who can FIND a $100 on the GROUND is one lucky fella I am thinking.. you will have a great time. Yes the song goes QUACK...too funny Dave.. those memories are keepers. Thanks for your post.. We miss them!
PS blogger is no problem posting in CHROME..

7:05 AM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Dave ~~ Sorry, I'm still LOL about Grant correcting you with the Quack. At 18 months. Shame Dave, shame.
Glad you put up another blog and you can see you were misses. Maybe if you bought a new computer some of your problems would be gone. Fancy finding $100 note- well done. So you are going to debate global warming and here am I feeling very cold.
I am so glad your garden is growing and the tomatoes ripening and lettuce. We are near the stage of planting tomatoes in a month or so when the frosts have finished. Your bacon, tomato and lettuce sandwiches sound very nice.
I do have some lettuce growing so will buy some bacon and tomatoes next week. Take great care my friend. Cheers, Merle.

8:36 AM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

CAROLDEE--Just was out on my bike and found another buck. Maybe I should skip going overseas and just keep riding my bike. It's starting to cool off, finally. I'm still boycotting Google in all their various metallic forms.

MERLE--I'd like to buy a new computer but we've had other priorities. A new dishwasher for the missus for one.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Carine-what's cooking? said...

Dave, know how you feel about the corrections-wait until Grant hits the ripe old age of both 4 and 5-1/2! I was told that I needed to put on make-up b/c I looked sick and needed some color. sigh.
Europe-how romantic and fun!!!

We're headed for AZ again. This time it's for a quick turnaround w/ a purpose in mind. sigh.

worst part-either way, I'm not going to be using my sense of humor

3:41 PM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

CARINE--And then there's the teenage years! Hopefully Grant will be kind. Arizona sounds like fun too, though I imagine it's warm there. My wife's never been. Some day.

My sense of humor is something I hope I never outgrow, or outlive.

9:11 AM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Dave ~~ Sorry to be so long answering - there are not enough hours in the day.
"I feel like a million bucks and then another day I feel like a million bucks well spent" Thanks for that!! But sometimes I feel like a million bucks wssted. It has
rained heavily here all day and it is so depressing,
I smiled when I read that your little grandson isn't putting two words together. Believe me, he will We spend hours teaching them to talk and then try to shut them up.Funny old world, isn't it?
Take care my friend, what a wonderful trip you and Wendy have to look forward to next month.
Cheers, Merle.

4:03 AM  
Anonymous whirlingbetty said...

Well, I'm truly sorry to see that so many of my blogging buddies have been slacking off the way I have. I'm trying to revive my blog, but my readers are dropping away!

Your trip to Europe will be exciting. I think you'll come back with a great deal of fodder, so don't give up blogging yet!!


4:34 PM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

MERLE--I know what you mean about not enough hours in a day. I asked one retiree once what she did all day now that she doesn't work and she replied that she has so much going on that she doesn't even know how she found time to work before.

BETTY--I did break down and upload Google Chrome so I suspect that my blog MIGHT let me upload pictures of our trip across the pond. I'm sure I'll have lots of stories to tell. Paris worries me.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Dave ~~ Well it is September on Sunday so your trip is getting closer. I hope you and Wendy have a great time and nice weather.
You sure have a lot of blonds around you so I hop they don't turn on you a non-blond. No wonder you liked the blond man jokes.

About the dingo taking the baby 30 years ago --they finally believed that the dingo did take and kill the baby and that Lindy was truly innocent. Although shent spent about 3 years in a Darwin prison. She had a baby there and she was taken away for the father to bring up with the two boys.

Our Winter ends on Saaturday, so I am looking for some nice warm sunny days very soon. I do hope and pray that the hurricanes in the southern U.S. weaken annd don't do too much damage.
Take care my friend,
Cheers, Merle.

7:28 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Dike said...

Here, let me help you with those lyrics!

11:23 PM  

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