Matchbook Treasures
Well, not treasures really. But it's still interesting browsing through a couple boxes of matchbooks given to me recently by my sister-in-law. They were given to her by her own in-laws who are in their nineties and don't want them anymore.
Most of them come from restaurants and hotels they visited over the years. Some include handwritten dates and notes as to whom they were visiting if it were in a distant city.
But there are lots of matchbooks from area restaurants which is why I got this collection, since I've been collecting matchbooks from restaurants I've visited for many years as well. And with a no-smoking policy going into effect in Michigan restaurants beginning May 1, chances are slim I'm going to find new matchbooks at local bars and diners.
Hmmmm, here is a matchbook from Dominos Pizza with a list of their outlets in Michigan, all eleven of them. That's gotta be an oldie. Hea, here's one in the shape of the iconic maize 'n blue Wolverine helmet with the 1979 football schedule!
Though the traveling days for this couple are over, they sure saw their share of sights: San Francisco, Boston, London, New Orleans, Hilton Head, New York, etc. I'm looking at one from Williamsville Inn in Williamsville, New York, near Niagara Falls. The cover advertises rooms with wall to wall carpeting, private baths and color television. Sound like an oldie? Let me see if I can Google this place.
Demolished in 1999. A Rite Aid drug store now sits at its former location. Don't you love Google? You can find out so much so quickly.
I guess those matchbooks I decide not to keep I could sell to Spartans over in East Lansing since they've displayed as arsonic (word?) penchant for lighting couches on fire when they've suffered a tough loss in athletic competition. [Not tonight though. Dang!]
Sometimes the messages inside the matchbook are more interesting than what's outside. Check out what I found inside a "Chevy's Restaurant" book:
A correspondence course for open heart and brain surgery? Wonder if it's for real. I Googled and there is actually a University of Matamoros in Mexico. I took some Spanish in high school and college. I could handle a correspondence course, I think. If ever there were a time to change careers, maybe this would be it. With health care reform, you never know. This could be legal.
But if I go for it, I won't forget all my blogging buddies out there. You'll get ten per cent off at Big Dave's Brain Surgery Center. I'll do even better than that. You find a better price for your aneurysm repair, I'll match it AND give you ten per cent off.
It pays to have friends on the internet.