Trying To Keep Up
As we walked through the parking lot of a local grocery store, my five-year-old grandson Charlie announced, “You're 71 years old and still alive.”
Thanks, Charlie. Yes, I'm trying to keep up through all the aches and pains.
My wife and I did have a little difficulty keeping up with our five youngest grandkids whom we watched while their parents were out of town. The kid posing the most difficulty was the baby, Miles, who turns two in July.
Despite being the baby of the family, Miles insists on joining in whatever activity his older brothers and sister are doing. For example, when they wanted to color pages I printed out on my computer, so did Miles.
And why don't kids want to color with crayons like we did when we were kids? Instead, they insist on using “washable” markers, washable being a misnomer since they're not easily washable off everything as my wife has discovered.
So when Miles decided to grab a marker and join in the fun, Wendy went after him, knowing that coloring on paper like he was supposed to do was not his plan. Miles took off, marker in hand, when he saw grandma coming.
Even though just a toddler, Miles is a little faster than his grandma. And he thought it was great fun to have grandma chasing him around the house. She did finally catch up and disarm him. With his knack for getting into trouble, Miles had to be watched. I thought we might be able to rely on big sister Gwen, 8, to help in that regard as she was the eldest of the five.
But when Wendy was downstairs doing laundry and I could hear the three older brothers arguing loudly upstairs, I asked Gwen if she could keep an eye on Miles so I could de-escalate tensions on the second floor. She replied, “Nope. I'm watching a movie.” Thanks, Gwen.
I should add that picking up and carrying Miles anywhere is a weighty risk for seniors as he exceeds his siblings with one childhood benchmark, his appetite. Recently his dad made jambalaya for dinner. The only child not to turn his nose up at this offering was Miles. He ate the jambalaya.
We took all five to the library, another adventure. Again, Miles played catch-me with his grandma, sprinting off to the adult section of the library while I was trying to help the other four with picking out books, signing on to the library computer learning system, and selecting movies to borrow. Gwen had picked out a bunch of Blu-Ray movie DVDs which I had to tell her we couldn't play at home since we didn't have a Blu-Ray disc player.
Then with books and movies checked out, it was time to leave. But . . . where was Miles? I couldn't spot him anywhere. Neither could Wendy. I booked it towards the exit to head him off in case he might be trying to flee the building while Wendy checked elsewhere in the library. It didn't take long to find him. He was seated at one of the computer learning stations. If his brothers could do it, he wanted to try as well.
What can we do to slow this plus-sized toddler down? Perhaps another helping of jambalaya?