Maybe it's something about turning 60 this year, or maybe it just feels like I've had enough of the salt mines, but I've given notice at work that I'm retiring. Financial advisers seem to be pretty unanimous in feeling that my paltry 401k, or whatever it is, will not put me anywhere Millionaire Acres in the game of life, but as I noted in a Christmas letter a couple years back, what I need more than money right now is more time.
I was hoping to make a low key exit. Though I've worked at my place of employment for over 30 years and of course have made friends there, I just wanted to be the fellow to just ride off quietly into the sunset. Just my style.
Alas, I was asked to give a two-month notice and as soon as I did that, they posted my job--with my name next to it. I wasn't expecting that. So every day since, and I mean EVERY DAY SINCE, at least one person has come up to me with congratulations and the inevitable questions. When is your last day? Is Wendy retiring too? What are you going to do?
OK, my last day is April 30th. Wendy is NOT retiring, despite having worked longer at the same place of employment (we actually commute to work together). She's still younger than I am by about three years.
And I don't know exactly what I'm going to do other than having promised to watch grandson number one for one day a week after grandson number two arrives. And number two is due any day now. I do have a to-do list at home that would easily carry me into the next century. And I'm still young enough, I think, to try something else in life. My bucket list includes publishing something in the fiction category. Maybe I still can wax creative in my golden years.
Anyway, I say goodbye to my work area pictured below.
That's actually my desk on the right. I share the office with a colleague who does much the same work I do. He's just a little less neat.
Though I won't be earning a steady paycheck anymore, I'm using the last few checks I'm getting to amass a little travel fund for the wife and myself. Now to figure out where to go. Maybe out to Washington DC to visit son number 2? Or maybe eventually take another trip overseas, possibly to Ireland this time. After our difficulties in Paris I kind of want to stay some place where they speak a reasonably recognizable version of English.
Or maybe we'll just find that sunset when Wendy retires and ride off together.