Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Grandpa Dave?

Well, not yet but soon, God willing. My daughter-in-law Lindsay is pregnant and due next February with who would be mine and Wendy's first grandchild.

So I've known about this impending blessed event for some time. But only recently did I get permission to blog about it. Husband-to-be was first to know, then over the course of days and weeks parents and other immediate family, then extended family, then Facebook and extended friends, and last BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST . . . my blogging buddies.

My wife actually knew before I did. It was Wendy's birthday and the party was wrapping up. I thought I heard Lindsay say something about "one last gift." She and husband Greg were in our sunroom while number two son Scott and I were watching TV in the family room.

Then I suddenly heard Wendy shout very excitedly something to the effect of, "Are you kidding?" I thought she had scratched off one of the instant lottery tickets I'd given her and won $10,000. She was that excited. Seriously.

What actually happened is that she opened a present that held a Michigan "onesies" outfit. It took a few seconds to sink in (was Simon the dog going to get a canine brother?), but she's been smiling ever since.

When I informed my own mother, I thought too that I would be a little vague and see how long it took her to catch on. During one of our regular long distance phone calls I casually mentioned how I recently was riding backseat next to a one-year-old, keeping her entertained and "practicing my grandpa skills."

"Lindsay's pregnant?" she cut in. No fooling her at all.

Greg said with a little one of his own, he might have to film his own home movie skits and build spookhouses in the basement, hearkening back to the days when he was a kid and I was the movie producer and spookhouse builder.

Now it's his turn. He can take his kid trick-or-treating next October. He'll be, what, eight months old? Is that old enough for candy? It's been a while. I don't remember.

But I'm sure there's a "Grandparenting for Dummies" book at my local Border's. Good Christmas gift.


Blogger Lynilu said...

Awww, congratulations to parents and grandparents alike! There are many fun days ahead, as well as the sleepless nights. You might remember that. Regardless, it is a great thing! Enjoy every day of Grampa-dom!

9:14 PM  
Anonymous bonnie said...

Did your mom attend MSU?

We have 2 sweet grandsons so far and they are, indeed, great blessings!

Congrats, Big Dave and Wendy!

9:34 PM  
Blogger CiCi said...

This is indeed exciting news. Congratulations to your son and daughter-in-law! And I hope you start now preparing for the pictures you will be blogging when this little tyke comes into the world. I was with my older daughter when she had both her children, and also my younger daughter when she both her children. You and Wendy will be thrilled to be grandparents.

4:28 AM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

LYNILU--I do remember finding out what was on TV at three in the morning. Thankfully, that didn't last too long.

BONNIE--No, my mom didn't attend college, but she does have a lot of common sense. Only two? Seems like with as many children as you have, there should be more. Probably soon.

TECHNOBABE--I'm already planning to star the new grandkid in a whole new series of home movies--Grandpa Dave's Home Safety tips for Grandparents.

9:07 AM  
Blogger Carine-what's cooking? said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! How exciting Dave!!! Welcome to the grandparents club. may Lindsay have an easy and healthy pregnancy. I remember when our daughter told us-I was excited and happy. My husband just kept muttering "she's too young to be a mother, why didn't she ask me first?"

When he saw Dylan in the NICU w/ all those tubes-let's just say he went out and bought him a tee that read "I'm My Grandpa's Right Hand Man"

Both boys are the light of our lives. I'm sure the about to be Dave's best grandkid-will be the same for you and Wendy.

5:04 PM  
Blogger amarkonmywall said...

Ooo! Oo! A grandbaby! Lucky guy. With Abby just starting her PhD and Dan happily ensconced with an A2 school teacher with a 9 year old son, we are still on hold. Congrats to you! (Coming here is always a double bonus because I get to visit with Bonnie, too.)

3:33 PM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

AMARKONMYWALL--Saxophone players sure cultivate interesting relationships. Thanks for the congratulations. Yeah, that Spartan lady might be around more now that football season is almost upon us.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Peter said...

Congratulations to all involved, even the peripheral players like you and Wendy.

8:05 PM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Dave ~- How great for you and Wendy and better than winning Lotto.
I remember how excited I was when my first grandchild arrived.
Today I had 2 of mu G-kids visit -
for lunch. Kate 22 and her brother Joh 21. Always lovely to see them.
And Kate. the chef helped get lunch ready. I guess the 16 year old girl in the sail-boat had some sort of Emergency Button and I am glad our guys could rescue her. We had a 16 yr old Jessica Watson who completed her trip, but said it was hard, lonely and scary.
I don't know about moving to Belize
They may not bring the baby to see you there. Glad you enjoyed the jokes, my friend. Regards, Merle.
I hope all goes well with the d-i-law and the baby and Dad.

3:46 AM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

PETER--Thanks. We may be peripheral players, but Wendy hopes to become kinda first string when the kid comes.

MERLE--You're lucky to have grand-daughters. My mother had seven grandchildren, all boys. The only way she'd get a grand-daughter now is if one of her sons gets divorced and re-marries somebody 20 years younger. Not likely.

1:06 PM  
Blogger CAROLDEE said...

CONGRATS To the happy parents and you too GRANDPA or will that be PAPA or GAMPA or what??? BE neat to see what he or she names you!
HAPPY for you all!!!!

12:35 PM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

CAROLDEE--How about 'bumpa.' I remember some toddler calling me 'bumpa?' by mistake. And I was only 40!

5:23 PM  

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