On The Cusp Of The Blizzard
I feel as if I’m inside a snow globe, snow showers swirling just outside our bay window. The weatherman has predicted a blizzard for us here in Michigan tonight and this time he may be right. Wendy and I aren’t taking any chances. We’ve already given ourselves a snow day tomorrow, telling our respective bosses not to expect us for work.
There are advantages to being “non-essential” personnel, I guess.
The disadvantage is that I have to pull out the old snow shovel and go to work at home. My back isn’t looking forward to it.
I spotted an army of snowbots gathered in a nearby park. Maybe they’ll come to life like Frosty did and help me get rid of some of this white stuff.
Oh, well. What else can you do in a blizzard besides shovel. I guess I could curl up with a good book. I have two I’m reading during these winter doldrum months: a book on financing my retirement and Invasion of the Body Snatchers by Jack Finney.
I’m not sure which is scarier. Do I want to have my body invaded and replaced by aliens, or do I want to work through my 60s so that my money doesn’t run out when I’m in a nursing home. I think I’ll take the aliens.
Could do my 2010 taxes if I can come up with some tax forms to file! What’s up with that? Not only do they not mail your federal tax forms anymore, you can’t find them anywhere else. Least I can’t. Maybe alien pod people should take over our government. Make it more efficient. They’ve got my vote.
Before I close tonight, I have to post another obligatory picture of the new grandson, this time in his native Michigan garb.

One of my buddies, a Michigan State fan of course, protested the new baby getting University of Michigan souvenirs:
“Hmm all the UM paraphernalia reminds me that I might need to be proactive and call social services but I'll leave that for another day. Stop scarring the child, he is only in the developmental stages.”
Baby Grant watched the University of Michigan finally beat Michigan State on their own basketball court this past week, something that hadn't happened yet this century. I’m sure that game scarred a few State fans. Now we just have to teach Grant his first words . . . go blue.
That hat is child abuse but the baby is absolutely adorable! He would look so good in GREEN!
Sorry, but I can't talk about that b-ball game.
Post pictures of the baby, regardless of his attire. I'm from NM. I don't care about blues and greens and all that stuff. I just like pictures of babies. Oh, and the snowbots are cool, too!
Isn't the snow great? You and Wendy get a day off together, a bonus day.
How much snow did you get last night?
Personally I think Grant would look great in Huskers RED!
YOGA IN MIRRORMONT--You'd probably love the nursery then, definitely a green theme going on there with the walls and all. But not Spartan green anyway.
Your guys might get a chance for revenge if we meet in the NIT. Heh, heh.
LYNILU--Glad you like the baby picture, one of many the proud father sent out. I think my e-mail account is ten percent fuller for it.
Somebody really had time on their hands to create all those snowbots.
TECHNOBABE--HUSKERS Red!!! And all this time I thought you were on my side. Now I have blogging buddies from MSU, OSU, Nebraska . . . what's next, Notre Dame?
ack, 1st comment didn't make it!!! love the baby pics, keep them coming Dave.
Snow, what snow????
With all the snow and Michigan's weather "going blue" shouldn't pose any problems for young Grant.
Build your vocabulary!
CARINE--Didn't get as much snow as we were predicted to get but it still took a long time to shovel. You're lucky there.
PETER--I'm reading a lot about the weather over there too. Something about a big cyclone.
BONNIE--You need to come up with a word to describe that debacle at Iowa. Unspartanlike? No, that doesn't work for me. Not this season.
Hi Dave ~~ The grandson is adorable and guess he will support your team in time. Let him grow a little first.
The day off sounds good , but don't get to use it too often or they may find you dispensable. Joking!! Hope your back survived the shoveling.
We all have seen plenty of Generation Y people and they think they look good. I hope your Dad had a happy 81st birthday and hope he is doing well. It's a good age.
Glad you liked the golfing jokes.
That big cyclone did a lot of damage and destroyed many homes
and people's lives. It will take a long time to rebuild after the floods and the cyclone. We did get
heavy rain here and very strong winds, but nothing like Q'ld got.
Take care, Regards, Merle.
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