BD's House Of Horrors
Trick or treaters approach my doorstep with mixed feelings come Halloween. Some revel in the spooky sights and sounds that surround our two-story suburban colonial on October 31st. For other kids, well, it’s a decision whether or not to chance coming up the walk for a treat.
C’mon. Big Dave’s graveyard of horrors isn’t that bad? A few kids say it’s the best decorated house in the neighborhood. True, parents often get more of a kick out of it than kids. Like the mother who wanted to get a picture of her tyke next to the spider above. He made a BIG circle around the hanging head and the hanging skull before posing with the spider, standing about as close to it as I am to you now.
Then there was another little guy who appeared to have needed some coaxing to come up onto our porch, only making an appearance if his father came up with him. Then I pulled out my ceramic skull, full of treats. His eyes widened, a little terrified of that.
“Say trick or treat,” his dad prodded him.
“Noooooooooooooooo,” he cried, obviously not interested in getting anything that might come out of a ceramic skull.
Another trick-or-treater stopped halfway up the walk, yelling “Shut that music off.” So he wasn’t bothered by the coffin, the gravestone, the multitude of skulls, or the other assorted creepy paraphernalia hanging or stuck in the ground. He didn’t like the mood music playing out of our upstairs window. That was a first. Who wouldn’t like seasonal favorites ranging from the Monster Mash to Mozart’s Requiem?
Eventually, he did come up, followed by his little brother. The littler guy actually felt quite at home surrounded by all things horrific, and sat down on our porch stoop to go through his candy after I delivered his treat. His older brother, still complaining about the music, tried to yank him up by the hood on his hooded sweatshirt. I was worried he might strangle the little guy, but he was rescued by their parents.
Of course, my nephew Mike visited too as he likes to add his own Halloween spice to our own festivities, whether reaching a scary rubber hand out the mail slot or lurking behind me wearing a spooky Michael Jackson mask. After I passed out a round of treats to one group of young girls, Mike came to the door, mask on, holding out bonus treats to one of the girls who had been checking him out with a wary eye.
She briefly pondered his outstretched arm, Mike holding candy clutched in that scary rubber hand. “Enh eh,” she then said, doing a good Bugs Bunny impression as she turned down the candy offer and ran off to join her friends.
Ah, I just love Halloween. And this year A BONUS. A much anticipated visit from our grandson Grant. But he came a little late, and looked pretty worn out. Maybe next year he will be like me and appreciate the holiday more.

I've seen scarier things recently. (At least my beloved Cards won the World Series.)
I love Mozart's Requiem. It is almost as sublime as the Dresden Amen in Mendelssohn's Reformation Symphony.
Your cute little lion man is obviously struggling with the maize and blue color combination!
YOGA IN MIRRORMONT--Aren’t there professional sports teams in Seattle you could support? My son wanted us to bring him back a Vancouver Whitecaps t-shirt but we couldn’t find one.
Not familiar with the Mendelssohn song. I’ll bet you know Chopin’s Marche Funebre. I think that would sound good on a cello, particularly in games like the one in Lincoln this past weekend. But at least your fav is past the scary part of its schedule.
your little lion looks as if he can hardly wait to get the heck out of his "skin"! ours went as Darth Vader and Spiderman. Our son-in-law loves Halloween-decorated the front of the house, dressed up as Obi Wan Kenobi and was upset that I only took one pic of him by himself in his costume and another w/ the boys!
Wow - you do get into the spirit. I have always liked Halloween a lot too. The Child and I have always had to travel to neighborhoods other than the one we live in for trick-or-treating because nobody here answers the door on Halloween. We always seek out neighborhoods with houses looking like yours. Very few go so far as to add music, though, I must say. Nice touch. I wish we lived closer. Go bucks.
CARINE--I decorate our house, but haven't dressed up myself in many years. Some day I'd like to go to a Halloween party and dress up. The best costume I saw at the door was someone dressed up as Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
BETTY--I think we get a lot of kids from surrounding neighborhoods. This year I thought maybe the fact that the roads were torn up and the weather was iffy that we'd get fewer but--wait! Did you say, "Go bucks?" As in OSU Buckeyes? Aren't they ostracised even there in Columbus? I don't think those guys are setting a good example for the child there with all the trouble they're getting in. Just sayin'.
Hi Dave,
It's been awhile, but I've started blogging/writing again.
It's good to see you still enjoy Halloween!
Enjoyed the post!
We don't celebrate Halloween here in Oz, sounds like fun at your house though.
DEBBIE--Good to see you're back and blogging. I always think of you when I see a "Chicken Soup" collection at the bookstore.
PETER--I'm surprised they don't do something similar over there in Australia. It's for the kids here, really.
Hi Dave ~~ I think I would do without the treats with the spider and scary things about. Sounds like you had lots of fun though. Grant does not look happy - maybe next year. My back wasn't too bad this morning , but the pain returned after lunch. Hope it feels better soon. I am glad Peter is home safe and just wish he could get rid of the Bells Palsy. He can't just get in his car and drive these days.
Take care, my friend, Regards, Merle.
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