Fall Fun And Not

Since I haven't posted a picture of my one and only grandchild here in a while, let me start off by doing so. Here's Grant in his first trip to a pumpkin patch on Sunday.
He's looking a little glum, perhaps because he was coming down with a case of croup or else because his beloved Michigan Wolverines had just lost their first game to the cross-state ruffians of Michigan State. I believe the latter more likely, though the pediatrician confirmed that he does have the croup.
I'm not sure either Grant saw the purpose is heading out to a muddy farmer's field just to pick out and haul back a few inedible gourds. Maybe in a few years he'll understand. I kinda wonder how many of my blogging buddies understand the joys of a pumpkin patch around Halloween. Is that just a midwest tradition?
Wendy and I are preparing for yet another trip, one that involves NO DRIVING BY ME! No, we're not flying. I'm not that crazy. We're hopping a tour bus bound for Washington DC. While there, I hope to catch up to our youngest son who is working somewhere up on Capitol Hill. My sister and brother-in-law are joining us. I hope the weather's better there than the chilly, wet stuff we're currently enduring here in the Great Lakes state.
My tax and financial issues appear to be resolving after a few more phone calls. The stress from it all hasn't resolved yet. Over the past week, I've found myself doing some strange things:
--Trying to use my telephone as a calculator at work.
--Forgetting how to dial an outside line, also at work, something I've done many, many times. I actually had to ask a co-worker.
--Bringing my lunch bag home after work, taking the ice pack out and throwing the lunch bag in the freezer. I left the ice pack on the kitchen table. Wendy pointed my oopsies out to me later.
I could use another vacation. DC here I come.
Those all sound like good excuses for a vacation to me!!
Cute (if glum) baby!
Are those abnormal behaviors, because I...
Stress can really mess us up, can't it? I really feel for you having to go about the daily normal things with something nagging you like that.
Great picture of Grant. Candid shots are the best. Posed shots even with babies are not like seeing the real baby. Sorry to hear about his croup. My son had croup so bad at three months old; his sisters never had it so I wasn't prepared for that horrible coughing sound. Hope he is over it real soon.
Enjoy your bus trip. Hopefully the IRS stuff is closed so when you get on the bus you can really relax and enjoy the sights and being with family.
You should see the picture I received of grant the other day.
Your adorable grandson needs some warm gloves!
Grant is growing up so quickly! I hear you on the need for a vaca. We're leaving in a week to spend Halloween w/ our grandkids. Our daughter and son-in-law have already purchased our entries to a pumpkin patch there.
LYNILU--Maybe another reason that he's glum is that I'm always shoving a camera in his face.
JAN--Those are just a small fraction of the oopsies I commit on a daily basis. Hate to see what happens when I'm pushing 70 instead of 60.
TECHNOBABE--From what I hear, Grant's croup is resolving. Even when he's sick, he's a pretty happy baby, the picture here notwithstanding. I agree, candid pictures are more fun, though I'm not crazy about candid photos of myself.
ANONYMOUS--I know what picture you're talking about. Bad dad. At least Grant had his eyes closed in the photo I saw.
YOGA IN MIRRORMONT--The gloves won't do since they're not maize 'n blue (hea!--I wasn't even trying). BTW, did you hear that U of M is ranked 14th among all the colleges in the world? I don't know where MSU ranked; didn't have time to read past 80.
I'll be cheering for MSU with you on Saturday since my Wolverines have a bye. Heh, heh.
CARINE--So you do have pumpkin patches out there too. Linus would be happy to hear that. We've gone to the same one now for about four years or so. And our kids are grown!
Hi Dave ~~ Sorry about the strange behaviors - that happens to me all the time. Try not to get too stressed and make yourself sick. Nice photo of Grant and how he has grown.
I have been objecting to paying 4:99 for
pumpkin, so Halloween seems such a waste to me. But you said the ones you got were inedible. I hope you enjoy your bus trip
and relax with family. Does Grant like you any better these days? I hope so.
Take care my friend, Best Wishes, Merle.
Have you heard our recent battle cry?
Spartan Stadium - where Badgers come to die!
College football history changed last night,
When Wisconsin came and brought their fight.
Ann Arbor's spoilsport skunk bears
Got their clown-like uniforms in a snit
And took it out on Gholston
By giving him sissy-boy sh--.
But we took that set-back
Like real SPARTAN men,
Rocketing and caroming to victory!
(Praise Jesus and Amen!)
Spartans could barely believe it;
We were moved to tears:
A Hail Mary prayer answered,
A moment as big as years!
One thing and one thing only
Could have made this game more keen
And that's if Nichol had caught that ball
And pushed through a Wolverine.
I can't thank you enough, Big Dave,
For your one-time support of MSU!
Perhaps that mere measure over the goal line
Was due to the cheering of you?!
MERLE--Back from our bus ride and it was fine. Busy weekend in our nation's capitol. I think Grant is warming up to me. We're supposed to watch him again soon so we'll see.
YOGA IN MIRRORMONT--Wasn't the Wolverines who suspended your Spartan compatriot for not playing by the rules. It was the Big Ten. Send them your letter, or poem, whatever.
To be honest, I was asleep when Cousins heaved up his prayer, but kudos to the Spartans for a great win. See? Like I said, we Wolverines are a benevolent lot. Good luck this weekend in Lincoln. Go little brothers!
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