Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Don't Outlive Your Liver

Checking my sitemeter recently, I noticed someone from Jeromeville, Ohio had been visiting my blog regularly. Everytime I checked my blog, he had been there too, almost as if he were shadowing my every move. Then I figured it out. It was ME. Somehow, my Verizon internet provider had switched my location.

I don't even know where Jeromeville is, but I'm sure not anywhere near Ann Arbor, Michigan. Then later I noticed another frequent visitor to my blog from Henderson, Indiana. Turns out that was me too. Verizon had changed up again. Big Dave was on the move!

Don't know where I'll end up next. I did notice on my sitemeter that I've had my 18,000th visitor (of which about 5,000 were probably me). That's since I started blogging about two and a half years ago. Throughout that time, my most popular blog, at least for international visitors, remains one I wrote on my search for Creme de Grand Marnier back in January of 2006. Just in the last few days, that blog received hits from someone in Turkey and another in Israel.

In fact, this past week I received a comment on that blog. A reader said he had a bottle of Creme de Grand Marnier in its original packaging and was interested in selling it (it's no longer being produced). Well, maybe he can sell it to that visitor from Israel. From what I know now, that bottle of Creme De Grand Marnier is no longer a potable liquor.

I'm no expert on alcohol, though. So here's one hit on my blog that was kind of surprising. A visitor from England ran across my blog by Googling the phrase, "How far can I push my liver?"

Whoa, that's scary! I'm wondering if this Englishman wasn't a bloke in a pub with internet access whose buddy just asked, "Are ye up for another pint?" I don't think I'm going out on a limb when I say that if you're asking how far can you push your liver, you've already pushed it far enough.

That blog hit was almost as scary as the visitor from Malaysia who found my blog by Googling, "Russians need to take at least two shots of vodka before going out of their house." That so? Thank god my son who studied in Russia this past summer survived. Must be a lot of tipsy drivers wheeling about the roads there.

Anyway, I hope my blogging buddies out there celebrate Thanksgiving in moderation. Happy Turkey day! Eat, drink and be merry. But whatever you do, don't push your liver too far.


Blogger Lucy Stern said...

OK Dave, are you really going to eat in moderation??? Well are ya?

5:59 PM  
Blogger Dust-bunny said...

I've had 883 visitors from 30 countries in the last month that I put up a "Neo-Counter." But that's it, it doesn't offer much else in the way of information about my visitors. However, I was given the option to not count my own visits (I didn't understand what purpose that would serve)!

I'd rather have the counter that you do you know what they Googled to find you??

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Dave!

5:46 AM  
Blogger Kacey said...

I'm with Lisa---- I don't know about site meters --- how do you know whom to trust? Anyway, I trust my liver, since I am not a drinker and I just had the artery that feeds oxygen to your liver reamed out and a lovely new stent stuck in there. Bring on the Thanksgiving pies!
And hey, Dave --- I am truly a big Michigan fan, since I live on the fence between the two protagonists. Glad your fantasy football is doing well.

10:49 AM  
Blogger Carine-what's cooking? said...

okay, is it easy to get the neocounter and a site reader?? I'd love to know who visits, from where, etc...
especially now that my computer is back to working.

8:24 PM  
Blogger 2bme said...

How do you guys know all this stuff about sitemeter and neocounter?
That's really interesting...
I love that line, "How far can I push my liver?" - I've never heard it phrased quite like that...LOL

7:24 AM  
Blogger Babette said...

Happy, belated Thanksgiving to you and your family, Dave. We have our own Turkey Bowl at a park nearby with some other families every Thanksgiving morning. My platoon (including my visiting sister, a poor, misguided U of M alumna) returned home victorious and with only one bloody nose and one badly bruised elbow. Alas, we are a competitive lot, but your sitemeter probably already told you that.

Pass the Creme de Grand Marnier, please.

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, we definitely ate, drank and we were very merry! Hope you Thanksgiving was wonderful as well!

3:21 PM  
Blogger Nankin said...

I guess I'll have to check my sitemeter and see if I can tell where people are.

5:30 AM  
Blogger Peter said...

It's never worried me much where people come from or why they visit... Just glad they do.

4:25 AM  
Blogger Carine-what's cooking? said...

okay Dave-I tried "" and it draws a blank-am I missing a word or spelling it wrong?

8:16 AM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

CARINE--Gee, that's weird. I just tried it on my computer and it worked. Guess you could put the www. in front of it, as in It took a while for the page to open for some reason, but I got there.

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dave. My liver is still intact. Did you have a good holiday too?

10:01 AM  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

If God wanted us to have a diseased liver He would have... Oh, never mind.

11:08 AM  
Blogger LZ Blogger said...

Big Dave ~ I ate in complete moderation on Thanksgiving... but I've been kicking myself ever since! I'll make up for it at Christmas though I'm sure! ~ jb///

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It always feels weird to me when I get a comment on a post that is already in my Archives.

When I was feuding with 1-800-Flwwers and writing about it furiously on my blog, I was quite surprised when I googled 1-800-Flowers to find my site right below theirs. The lead in words were "Writer says, If my mother died, I would rather pick Daisies from the backyard than order anything again from 1-800-Flowers. I remember just sitting there and staring at my angry words.

6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It always feels weird to me when I get a comment on a post that is already in my Archives.

When I was feuding with 1-800-Flwwers and writing about it furiously on my blog, I was quite surprised when I googled 1-800-Flowers to find my site right below theirs. The lead in words were "Writer says, If my mother died, I would rather pick Daisies from the backyard than order anything again from 1-800-Flowers. I remember just sitting there and staring at my angry words in amazement.

So guess we never know what will push livers or flowers too far. Have a great day!

6:29 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! It always amazes me what people search for--scary too.

1:41 PM  

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