Becoming My Neighbor
I remember when
contemplating retirement around ten years ago I tried to envision what life
would be like without a structured workday.
That’s rather difficult to do when you’ve toiled eight hours a day for decades
but something I vowed I would never do is become one of those fussy seniors who
obsess daily over their garden and yard.
Fast forward to
present. I am retired now and find
myself recalling those earlier vows with mixed feelings. To be honest, my yard does not compete
aesthetically with those of my neighbors.
They have lush green weedless (not a word Microsoft says, maybe
weedfree? Nope. Oh well) thick sod that could easily replace the
fairway on hole number nine at the master’s course in Augusta.
My yard is, well,
more diverse I like to say since diversity is a buzzword nowadays. Sure, there is grass. But there’s lichen, moss, dandelions, clover,
wildflowers, and numerous other species of weeds, er, plants that are still
green, but nearly as appealing to curbside onlookers.
But . . . it’s
looking better since I retired. I’ve
trimmed dead branches, pulled weeds from around the house, kept the grass cut
and the leaves raked to the point where I don’t think my neighbors shake their
heads when they look in our direction.
In fact, I think my efforts may have unnerved one of my neighbors.
He always cuts
his grass twice to my once and is constantly out manicuring his own personal
greenspace. He almost takes offense if
my grass is shorter than his. Once when
I cut my grass, my wife and I noticed he was cutting his own lawn after dark,
so as to keep up with Big Dave we thinks.
I’m still not
that obsessive. But I’ve learned that
yardwork is something simple, easily fits in with other daily activities,
provides some pride when things look pretty, and is good for your heart. I
still avoid using chemicals or noisy machines like leaf blowers and gas-powered
edgers. Call me an
environmentalist. Or that’s my excuse
anyway (can’t be that I’m just cheap).
In the past I’ve
been a season behind in my yardwork, trying to run the gas out of my mower when
the temperature already has been freezing, or pulling out the remains of my
garden when there’s snow about. But I’ve
become more pro-active all-round. My
snow shoveling and outside holiday decorating had been tardy in my working
years. Not so much now.
In fact, as I was
shoveling snow off the walk this past week I looked around the neighborhood and
thought to myself, “Something doesn’t look right.” Then I figured it out. Nearly all of the walks around me were still
snow-covered. I was among the first to
shovel. That is a good thing . . . I
Funny you should mention this subject Dave-our neighbor, who just moved here about 14 months ago, sold the house and moved back to PA b/c she missed doing yard work!
"there's just not enough for me to do here, everything is either a cactus or a tree w/ rocks."
Imagine that? For us, we never really did our own yard-mainly b/c we'd have killed all the roses and such.
Steve has done some pruning of the trees though. Our "Yard Dr." (his real business name) who comes and prunes 3 times a year will only do things under 6'.
My goodness! The first to shovel snow! I hope you recorded that for future reference and gloating, Dave! :)
I'm not a huge fan of manicured gardens, myself. Some folk do go overboard...leave a bit of natural Nature around about the place, I reckon! (That's my belief and I'm sticking to it!) :)
CARINE--Maybe I'd do better if I moved out to Arizona then. I sure wouldn't miss the winters here in Michigan. But it sounds like growing a few vegetables out there might be problematic too.
LEE--In previous years, I was often so late in shoveling snow that one of my neighbors had already used their snowblower to clear my walk as well. I should buy one of those sometime. Then I'd really be keeping up with my neighbors.
we actually have a lot of farming Dave! But it takes place over the fall/winter and is over by May! There's even a farm only about 30 minutes from us that hosts a LOT of the schools to show them how corn, carrots,squash etc. grows and lets them all pick it and take it home. We also have a lot of ranches out this way and a few dairy farmers.
HOW LONG you lived in Michigan and you have NO SNOWBLOWER..what? Nice this year but boy you could really use it later..even a USED one. I hope you and family have a Merry Christmas and happy healthy 2016!!
wanted to wish you and Wendy a very Merry Christmas Dave!
CAROLDEE--I guess I figure the exercise I get shoveling our walk and drive are the little exercise I get in the winter. But I am reconsidering, just not right now with temperatures well above freezing.
CARINE--Thanks and the best of the season to you and your family as well.
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