Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Covid Protocol

 With all the road construction around the area, my wife and I engaged in what is probably an appropriate activity for folks our age: we took a trial drive to a new doctors' office so we could find the best route and approximate how long it would take to get there the following morning. I also checked signage at the door to see what their Covid protocols might be.

Yes, masks were mandatory. And the sign said make sure your mask (1) Did not have a respirator (2) Was not torn (3) Covered both your chin and your nose. Also, the sign said NOT to bring your own latex gloves--were people really doing that?--as patients might be allergic to them.

Arriving at my appointment the next day I was screened for any Covid symptoms which the Covid screening notice said now included a headache and a rash. What?? Navigating the myriad of Covid protocols locally is enough right there to give me a headache. Not to mention the road construction and the resulting traffic bottlenecks. And then there's my old eyeglasses which seem to be understrength now and causing headaches, which is one of the reasons I made this eye doctor appointment.

At least I didn't see a runny nose among all the possible Covid symptoms since my allergies can cause that. My grandkids, ages 3 and 4, who attend school in St. Louis were both sent home with runny noses and told not to come back until they could produce a negative Covid test.

As far as my own health, I figured the Covid screener at the eye clinic didn't want any lengthy medical history so I just said, no, no Covid symptoms.

I did make sure my mask covered me from nose to chin. But what happened is that my eye glasses fogged up when I tried to read the eye chart. The medical assistant used what seemed to be some sort of masking tape to tape the mask (puns unintended) securely to my face so my respirations would not fog up my goggles. Hey, can I get some of that personal masking tape for myself? I might look a bit weird shopping at my local Meijer but I hate when my glasses fog up when I'm shopping.

More businesses around here are requiring masks to enter. But enforcement is light. Sometimes I'll walk maskless into a public place and not realize masks are required until I get “the look” from those wearing a mask. Ooops. You should have posted the sign in bigger letters at the door. I don't have my new glasses yet.

All of this and I just got a call from my primary care doctor. Now he wants me to come in to follow up on some bloodwork I had done. Wonder what his Covid protocols are.

I think I feel a headache coming on.


Blogger Lee said...

Forward planning, both mental and physical, is necessary as far as I'm concerned. If I don't do so, whatever it is will play on my mind forever and a day or more!

Oh! The joys of mask-wearing...fogging glasses, suffocation!

Take good care, Dave. :)

8:54 PM  
Blogger Big Dave said...

LEE--Planning is key, true, but I have a hard time focusing at times. Maybe I need to start writing my plans down like a grocery list.

10:57 AM  
Blogger Carine-what's cooking? said...

ah yes, protocol.
Steve underwent a colonoscopy a bit ago and like I who preceded him with that and surgery-I could just drop him off and wait. Everyone masked up and sitting in very distanced areas according to him.
that said, as I mentioned in my blog-our son Adam, the part time personal trainer and health enthusiast, wound up with the delta variant! This despite that everyone in his store had been vaccinated. while, thank god, he wasn't hospitalized, he is still on medical leave due to breathing issues and the blood clots that seem to be part of the side effects.
In the last 3 months-2 friends have become widows, one had a double whammy: her brother and grandchild.
This masking up-okay by me. this thing is no joke

11:21 AM  
Blogger Carine-what's cooking? said...

tried to leave a comment but it seems to have disappeared!
Rather wear a mask than what could come down if you don't.
son's battling the aftereffects-despite being vaccinated. Healthy personal trainer-breathing problems and blood clots.
2 friends lost husbands, one lost a brother and grandchild.

11:23 AM  
Blogger Big Dave T said...

CARINE--I think your comments sometimes are in limbo until I okay them as Blogger wants me to moderate incoming comments after a certain period of time.

I'm seeing more and more people wearing masks indoors, but not as many as you might think with this Delta variant spreading so. Now the focus is on the schools as many outbreaks are occurring there.

Sorry to hear how your family and acquaintances are struggling against this virus. It is absolutely no joke.

10:48 AM  

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